Six Sigma Green Belt Exam Prep - Live Online

45 Hours / Access Length: Schedule Varies / Delivery: Live Online, Instructor Led
Retail Price: $1,760.00

Course Overview:

This Live Online version of this program has been removed from the National Schedule. At this time, the Live Online course may only be scheduled as a private cohort for partners with a minimum of 7 students.

In its place, this course is now being offered with a Live Instructor Mentored option. Please contact us for more details.

24 Hours Synchronous Learning / 21 Hours Online Learning

Six Sigma is a rigorous, focused, and highly effective implementation of proven quality principles and techniques, which aims for virtually error-free business performance. Students in this course will develop an understanding of how to perform and interpret Six Sigma tools and how to use standard principles of Lean.

Students will learn project management and will define the metrics needed for validating data and evaluating project success. Key topics of this course include Six Sigma goals, project management, project selection, and project execution.

This course prepares students to take the IASSC Lean Six Sigma Green Belt or the ASQ Six Sigma Green Belt national certification exams.

Course Outline:

Lesson 1: Building the Responsive Six Sigma Organization

Six Sigma is a rigorous, focused, and highly effective implementation of proven quality principles and techniques. Incorporating elements from the work of many quality pioneers, Six Sigma aims for virtually error-free business performance. In this lesson, we will introduce the Six System Organization.

Lesson 2: Recognizing and Capitalizing on Opportunity

Lesson 2 describes the organizational mechanisms required to recognize the key stakeholder needs, which provide opportunities for organizational growth and, in some cases, survival.  This chapter describes a number of approaches for gathering customer input on their value definition. It then explores other means of identifying opportunities, including quantifying costs of poor quality, benchmarking best practices, and innovation.

Lesson 3: Data-Driven Management

In this lesson, we will develop an understanding of how data-driven management provides a means of achieving organizational objectives by quantifying needs or wants of stakeholder groups relative to current baselines, and acting upon the data to reduce those critical gaps in performance.

Lesson 4: Maximizing Resources

This lesson addresses Six Sigma project selection and the management support activities related to project success.  Topics will include goals, project management, project selection, and project execution.

Lesson 5: Project Management Using DMAIC and DMADV

In this lesson, we will discuss and develop an understanding of the Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control model and the Define-Measure-Analyze-Design-Verify model by examining the aspects of each as well as comparing and contrasting the two.

Lesson 6: The Define Phase

In this lesson, we will discuss the key objectives within the Define phase. These include developing the Project Charter, scope, objectives, and schedule to start. Next, processes (at a top-level) and their stakeholders immediately follows. Selecting team members and obtaining authorization from the project sponsor(s) comes thereafter. Conclusively, this lesson will talk about how to effectively assemble and train the team that will be working on the project.

Lesson 7: The Measure Phase

In this lesson, we will discuss the objectives of the Measure stage. The process definition begins this lesson which the goal of this task is to ensure the specific process under investigation is clearly defined. From there, the metric definition - one which is a reliable means of measuring the process relative to the project deliverables, continues the lesson forward. Thirdly, one must establish the process baseline once these definitions have been defined. This must be done in order to quantify the current operating results as a means of verifying previously defined business needs and to properly substantiate improvement results. Finally, the Measure Phase concludes with evaluating the measurement systems in place. This is important to validate the reliability of data and to draw meaningful conclusions from before moving further into a project.

Lesson 8: Process Behavior Charts

In this lesson, we will discuss various topics related to behavior charts, including distribution, control charts for variable data and attributes data, control chart selection and organization, short run statistical process control, SPC techniques, and process capability indices.

Lesson 9: Measurement Systems Evaluation

A good measurement system possesses certain properties. First, it should produce a number that is “close” to the actual property being measured.  Second, if the measurement system is applied repeatedly to the same object, the measurements produced should be close to one another.  Third, the measurement system should be able to produce accurate and consistent results over the entire range of concern.  Fourth, the measurement system should produce the same results when used by any properly trained individual.  Finally, when applied to the same items the measurement system should produce the same results in the future as it did in the past.

Lesson 10: Analyze Phase

In this lesson, we will develop an understanding of the key objectives of the Analyze phase. For existing processes, analyze the value stream to identify ways to eliminate the gap between the current performance and the desired performance. Analyzing the sources of variation that contribute to the gap (for DMAIC) or that will contribute to the design performance (for DMADV) is the next topic up for review here. Determining the drivers, the little x’s that correlate to the customer requirements (CFQ, CFS, CFC) and significantly influence the process or design, is the third topic up for review here. Finally, using benchmarking techniques described in Chapter 3 to evaluate best in class or similar products or services concludes the analyze phase and this lesson.

Lesson 11: The Improve/Design Phase

The primary objective of the Improve or Design stage of DMAIC/DMADV is to implement the new system. The first consideration is to prioritize the various opportunities, if more than one proposal exists. Once a preferred approach has been determined, the new process or product design is defined and optimal settings established. This new design can then be evaluated for risks and potential failure modes.

Lesson 12: The Control/Verify Phase

In this lesson, we will discuss the main objectives of the Control/Verify stage of the Six Sigma process. This includes statistically validating that the new process or design and concluding whether or not it meets the objectives and benefits sought through the project up to that point in time. Developing and implement a control plan to institutionalize the new process or design is the net result of a project being validated. Documentation of lessons learned and project findings, as discussed in the “Tracking Six Sigma Project Results” section of Lesson 4 concludes this phase of the cycle.

All necessary course materials are included.


This course prepares a student to take the ASQ Six Sigma Green Belt or the IASSC Six Sigma Green Belt certification exam.

Instructor Biography:

Coming soon!

Grading System:

Student must pass all quizzes, exams, and national exam (if applicable) at a passing rate to be eligible for a Certificate of Training Completion. If an internship is included in your course you will be required to complete the internship prior to receiving a Certificate of Training Completion.


Students are expected to arrive on time and participate in course discussions. Successful completion of the course of study recommends 100% attendance. If during the course period the student’s attendance level drops below 80%, they will be encouraged and given the opportunity to attend the next scheduled class for the course they enrolled in. Should materials change, student is responsible for all additional cost.

Payment Plan Policy:

Students may withdraw from the program for any reason up to 1 week prior to the start of program. In this case, the student’s payment plan agreement shall be rescinded. If the payment plan has begun a non-refundable administrative fee of $25.00 will be assessed and remaining funds will be returned to payer in check form by mail.

Refund Policy: 

There can be no refund for the course, once the first class has been concluded; or if any course material, including the eBook, is accessed. If extenuating circumstances exist, case by case situations will be reviewed by ProTrain. If a refund is issued, the refunded amount (- a $25 processing fee) will be dependent upon books being returned in excellent condition (i.e. no writing, missing pages; ripped or damage to pages and/or binding).

Re-Admission Policy:

Any student who has dropped out of the program, or has been suspended from the program for nonattendance may be readmitted within one year by completing a personal interview with the director of education and paying any applicable fees at the time of readmission. Students who were terminated due to conduct issues are not eligible to be readmitted.

Policy on Student Conduct:

Appropriate Conduct: All students are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly and professional manner. Any student not conducting themselves in an orderly and professional manner, which includes use of drugs and alcohol during school hours, dishonesty, disrupting classes, use of profanity, excessive tardiness, insubordination, violation of safety rules, improper usage of lab or classroom computers, or not abiding by the school rules will lead to either probation or dismissal from classes.

System Requirements:

Internet Connectivity Requirements:

  • Cable, Fiber, DSL, or LEO Satellite (i.e. Starlink) internet with speeds of at least 10mb/sec download and 5mb/sec upload are recommended for the best experience.

NOTE: While cellular hotspots may allow access to our courses, users may experience connectivity issues by trying to access our learning management system.  This is due to the potential high download and upload latency of cellular connections.   Therefore, it is not recommended that students use a cellular hotspot as their primary way of accessing their courses.

Hardware Requirements:

  • CPU: 1 GHz or higher
  • RAM: 4 GB or higher
  • Resolution: 1280 x 720 or higher.  1920x1080 resolution is recommended for the best experience.
  • Speakers / Headphones
  • Microphone for Webinar or Live Online sessions.

Operating System Requirements:

  • Windows 7 or higher.
  • Mac OSX 10 or higher.
  • Latest Chrome OS
  • Latest Linux Distributions

NOTE: While we understand that our courses can be viewed on Android and iPhone devices, we do not recommend the use of these devices for our courses. The size of these devices do not provide a good learning environment for students taking online or live online based courses.

Web Browser Requirements:

  • Latest Google Chrome is recommended for the best experience.
  • Latest Mozilla FireFox
  • Latest Microsoft Edge
  • Latest Apple Safari

Basic Software Requirements (These are recommendations of software to use):

  • Office suite software (Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, or LibreOffice)
  • PDF reader program (Adobe Reader, FoxIt)
  • Courses may require other software that is described in the above course outline.

** The course outlines displayed on this website are subject to change at any time without prior notice. **